MOHAMAD AIMAN BIN NASER Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
This project focuses on the innovative use of agricultural waste, especially groundnut shells (GS) in producing particle board, as well as being a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional wood-based products. Particle board from GS was produced using casein-based adhesive of ratio 1:1. A hot and press machine was used at temperature of 150°C with compressed load of 1 tonned. The samples underwent a strength test, density and granular structure analysis. From the strength test, GS particle board of thickness 0.5 cm can bear the maximum load of 400 g. This is mostly due to high density of GS particle board that is 244.44 kgm-3 compared to other sample (rice husk and coconut husk particle board). The granular structure of GS particleboard shows the most compacted and compressed which is considered as the most perfect structure of particle board. The data collected from these tests reveal varying outcomes in terms of strength across the different particleboard compositions.