EI156: Cradle Couch

Rajesh Kumar A/l Muniandy Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS)

MIIX24 | Expert Innovator

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The CRADLE COUCH is designed with the intention of providing comfort to the patient, and ease of providing therapy to the clients. It is an integral component for massage therapist and the imaging team by providing overall efficiencies of the massage therapist, physicians, surgeons, pain specialist and radiologist. This device reduces the amount of client set-up time per appointment while providing comfort during therapy or imaging procedures. It also provides an ease to do surgery and spinal injections to patients who has back pain. The CRADLE COUCH will enable the therapist and surgical team to have a relaxed client. A relaxed client will enable a better outcome for therapy and a better image during fluoroscopy, which will assist greatly in surgery or pain procedures. The radiolucent adjustable frame and versatile padding system provides a metal-free imaging support platform. The contoured torso support pad complimented by a host of uniquely designed and sized adjuster pads and wedges will enable a multitude of positioning angles to be assisting in thoracic and lumbar imaging and therapy.