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By multiple studies, articles and observations, normal paper have known to be not exactly environmental friendly as it involves tons of logging and is wasted a lot. Other factors include mass production of paper hence large amounts of logging to produce said paper. This massive continuous production won’t make us worried for a paper outage soon. However, this contributes to lesser forests or the woods which is a large shelter for wildlife animals. Furthermore, the number of trees are decreasing due to high demand and products that are made from wood. An alternative to produce paper without much logging is to make or use recycled paper. In addition to that, we can also create less waste and make good out of something that is so commonly wasted without knowledge of what it is capable of. For instance, something that is used mostly in our daily lives and is used all around the world are eggshells. Eggshells aren’t much of a problem when it comes to waste since they are easy to decompose. Although it is capable for much more than that. Calcerous shell (CS) or commonly known as eggshells made out of calcium carbonate, CaCO3. CS contains Calcium Carbonate (94%), Magnesium Carbonate (1%) Calcium Phosphate(1%) Organic Substance (4%). First, we must grind the eggshells and boiled dried leaves together. Then we dry up the mixtures in the sun until it’s completely dry. The addition of eggshells in this project makes it last longer. These materials are easy to acquire and make.