MIIX24 | Intermediate Innovator

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Smart glasses are an innovation in eyewear that allows users to adjust the power and brightness of the lenses using our built-in application. Previously, for those with vision impairment, they often had to replace their lenses whenever there was a change in their prescription. Additionally, traditional glasses were more prone to breakage or getting lost. Smart glasses were designed so that users no longer have to spend money on new lenses every time their power changes. The glasses completely have the best material. Our product uses titanium as a main frame because it is lightweight and durable. For the lens, we use special glass that can change the focus and colour. The power and brightness of the lenses can be adjusted by the user through the built-in application Smart Glasses Sync. Users can also access the app to activate additional features such as a location tracker. By implementing this innovation, various problems faced by glasses users have been addressed. Users can have a new experience with these smart glasses. This will give a positive impact to the user when the user feels comfortable and satisfied when they use our product.