EI88: Renewable Energy For Sustainable Development Of Education Model-RES1.0

Norazida Binti Ali Politeknik Mersing

MIIX24 | Expert Innovator

CR: 0.4247 | 124 Likes | 292 Views | 87 times | LS: 263.7
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The Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development of Education Model (RES 1.0) represents a pivotal step towards integrating sustainable practices into educational curricula. This project was developed in partnership with IEEE CNAG and supported by IEEEMY and IEEE R10 EAC, RES 1.0 aims to elevate students' understanding of renewable energy technologies and their role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), and SDG 13 (Climate Action). This innovative project was brought to life through an interactive one-day workshop in Johor Bharu, engaging 44 secondary school and polytechnic students in a hands-on exploration of renewable energy sources, including small hydropower, solar PV, and wind energy. The workshop's methodology encompassed problem definition, site assessment, solution selection, data and material gathering, design modeling, project implementation, and feedback collection, culminating in powering a sustainable urban model. RES 1.0 not only served as an educational tool but also as a platform for students to apply creative thinking and problem-solving skills in real-world scenarios. The initiative successfully achieved gender-balanced participation, reflecting a growing interest in and inclusivity in STEM fields. The students' experimental procedures using the model's renewable energy elements provided a foundation for future academic pursuits and career pathways in the green energy sector. In conclusion, the RES 1.0 workshop was a testament to the transformative power of education in fostering an informed and proactive approach to renewable energy. It created a replicable model of learning that can be adapted and expanded to further empower youth and drive global sustainability efforts.